
致信 2020 世界青年科学家峰会全体参会者

The declaration adopted by the World Young Scientist Summit is an important expression of support for the role of science in advancing human well-being and overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Like you, I believe that innovation, multilateralism and an entrepreneurial spirit will be crucial in addressing the global challenges of today and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals –from fighting extreme poverty to advancing climate action. 

In today's knowledge-based economy, it is more crucial than ever to ensure that young people develop technological scientific skills and digital literacy. I am particularly concerned about gender gaps and regional disparities in these areas. I will count on you to address this challenge and advocate for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in all scientific fields. 

As we strive to overcome the pandemic and recover better, we should also recognize it as a wake-up call regarding the profound disruptions caused by climate change. I am mobilizing a global coalition to achieve carbon neutrality in the middle of the century. Towards that end, I recently established a Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change to amplify the voices of young people. I will count on your active engagement and that of your peers.

Thank you again for your support of the United Nations and your contributions to building a more inclusive, equitable, sustainable and peaceful future.

Signed by António Guterres


与你们一样,我相信创新、多边主义和企业家精神对于应对当今的全球挑战和实现可持续发展目标——从消除极端贫困到推进气候 行动——至关重要。 




联合国秘书长 安东尼奥 · 古特雷斯

2020 年 12 月