Page 12 - 【试阅】2021世界青年科学家峰会总结册
P. 12


        一 .  聚焦 “ 责任、创新、合作 ”,打造国际科技交流平台,引导青                                     A . 深入践行人类命运共同体理
        年科学家展示新时代担当,共建开放互信包容的青年科技创新共                                            念
                                                                                围绕联合国 2030 可持续发展目标和 “ 一
                                                                                带一路 ”、共同富裕等国家重大战略,打
        Ⅰ. Focusing on "Responsibility, Innovation and Cooperation",
        create an international scientific and technological
        communication platform, guide young scientists to shoulder the

        responsibilities of the new era, to collectively build a scientific
        and technological innovation community that's open, mutually
        trusted and inclusive, and participate in global science and
        technology management.

                                                                                A. Act in accordance with
                                                                                a community with a shared
                                                                                future for mankind

                                                                                Circling around the 2030 Agenda for
                                                                                Sustainable Development and national
                                                                                major strategies such as the Belt and
                                                                                Road Initiative, common prosperity, to
                                                                                build up a brand of youthful science
                                                                                and technology diplomacy, boost the
                                 责任、创新、合作                                       establishment of a new type international
                                                                                relationship that features mutual respect,
                                   Responsibility,                              fair and just, cooperation and mutual
                                     Innovation,                                benefits.

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